631932005-12-19 23:13:03
我刚收到加州参议员Barbara Boxer的办公室发出的EMAIL(因为我之前有发EMAIL去),众院去除增加H1和EB名额的修改案被否决了.
howareyou2005-12-19 23:31:01
What do you mean? Is it possible the bill will be discussed next
pigpig2005-12-20 00:03:04
712162005-12-20 00:04:16
全美中国人愤怒得要求: 把英文电子邮件贴出来!!!
pigpig2005-12-20 00:08:27
aaaddd2005-12-20 00:08:34
AILA Has Confirmed that Conference Report Did Not Include 8001
1291442005-12-20 00:11:00
Still Trembling from the S. 1932 Shock Wave
aaaddd2005-12-20 00:14:35
House Adopts Budget Bill Without H-1B and EB Visa Provisions
661962005-12-20 00:24:01
Oh, please, boxer means byrd amendement has been
661962005-12-20 00:28:11
BTW, i got same email from her hours ago. Also I got email
2542452005-12-20 14:44:01
It is expected to be a tough fight in Senate. See
2542452005-12-20 14:50:42
www.immigration-law.com keeps making mistake on it