661582005-12-20 17:00:05

我们的情况是这样的: 递交NIW申请前是Post Doc, 递交后在另一家公司得到了正式职位. 现在收到了RFE,要求我们submit

1. documentary evidence to establish the beneficiary's works have been cited and statement from the principal researchers of each article in which the beneficiary's work is cited, commenting in plain English on the relative importance of the cited element.

2. documentary evidence that clearly demonstrates the significance of the beneficiary's efforts in the field and the contributions are beyond the capabilities of the majority of her colleagues in the field. The evidence should clearly demonstrate how the beneficiary's contribution to the research exceeded that of his/her co-researchers.

3. documentary evidence to establish how the national interest of the United States would be adversely affected if a labor certificate were required for the beneficiary.

我的理解是第一点要求citation, 第二点要求more independent letters, 对于第三点,我可以请现在的manager写为什么他们愿意录用我吗? 因为我现在的工作和以前的领域有点不一样, 不太容易和National Interest搭上联系, 所以很为难. 糟糕的是我们的律师也不知道该怎么办.

我该不该请现在公司的人写推荐信呢? 恳请大家帮我们出出注意好吗? 谢谢.

hyf2005-12-20 20:07:36
回复:NIW RFE 求教
661582005-12-20 20:31:05
where do find the officer's code?
681692005-12-20 22:59:39
Prong 3 can be a killer ...
661582005-12-21 00:40:24
回复:Prong 3 can be a killer ...