99012005-12-20 20:31:03
If J1 went back his home country to fulfill 2 year home country residency, does J2 dependent also need to go back his/her country to stay 2 years to get rid of this restriction on J2? or J2 will automatically be relieved once J1 completed this obligation? Thank you for help.
wumingxiaobei2005-12-20 20:39:51
99012005-12-20 20:42:58
wumingxiaobei2005-12-20 20:44:50
No way.
wumingxiaobei2005-12-20 20:51:55
回复:J2 question
ImmCanada2005-12-20 21:03:00
回复:J2 question
2542452005-12-21 02:52:33
She can change to F1 in third country but