dongfang70s2005-12-30 00:45:11
Submitted with 485 concurrently: 09/27/2005.
Received : 10/06/2005.
Approved : 12/29/2005.

485 updated several times, and the latest update was on Dec. 1, 2005
dongfang70s2005-12-30 00:46:30
140 approved at Vermont Center
wudu2005-12-30 00:49:55
回复:140 approved at Vermont Center
dongfang70s2005-12-30 00:53:12
回复:回复:140 approved at Vermont Center
42112005-12-30 01:12:16
What is your category? Eb1, NIW EB2(LC) or EB3
dongfang70s2005-12-30 01:26:39
回复:What is your category? Eb1, NIW EB2(LC) or EB3
42112005-12-30 01:29:47
Thanks! For all of us, please mention
dongfang70s2005-12-30 01:37:51
NIW I-140 approved at VSC today