CM662006-01-05 16:02:02
assistant professor in Maths. Hold H1 visa. about 20 publications, referee for several journals, reviewer for AMS. two membership. No experience in applying green card, please give some suggestions. thanks a lot!
sleepbluey2006-01-05 16:08:34
回复:Which catogery of green card should I apply
132932006-01-05 16:16:09
mytwocents2006-01-05 16:30:16
EB1-OR or/and EB1-EA
64802006-01-05 17:18:42
Can my parents, who had 绿卡 before, apply for 旅游签证 to USA?
160732006-01-05 18:25:58
EB1-b OR. 回复:Which catogery of green card should I apply