1651732006-01-09 20:42:15
NIW approved at TSC

Received on Dec. 5, 2005
Approved on Jan. 3, 2006
The approval notice arrived at home on Jan. 7, 2006

Received PhD in US 3 years ago. Major is related to environment.
8 published English papers + 3 submitted (First author in 10 papers, second in one.) Only a few citations, did not mention them at all. But 20+ reprint requests from 10+ countries.
No any award. Two memberships.

Support letters:
3 independent letters from USDA and NOAA; One letter from the current employer (director of the institute), two from the former PhD and postdoc professors (all are directors of research institutes.).
The letters were diverse. For example, the letter from USDA addressed the economic costs resulted from environmental problems in the US. Then summarized 4 aspects how my research contributes to reduce the costs.
The letter from the current employer spent one page to introduce the two projects I am involved and the study benefits to the US. Then explained why I was hired after a national search.
The letter from my PhD advisor reviewed my achievements when I was in college and master study in China and PhD in US, evaluated my PhD dissertation work and its contribution to the US.
I drafted most of the letters first. Thanks to those federal officials and professors for taking time to modify them to make them look better. Also thanks to my PhD advisor and a former classmate for asking letters from the federal governments.

Made the decision:
I was a postdoc in a university that belongs to the Nebraska center. Since so many friends around me were desperately waiting for their cases to be reviewed (up to 1.5 yr as I know), answering RFE or even got denied eventually, I was hesitant to start my petition. In the summer of 2005, I got two offers, one from a good university that still belongs to the NSC, the other from a tiny university that, however, belongs to the Texas center. I chose the latter. Now it seems I made a right decision.

The lawyer:
I hired a lawyer. But I never relied on him since I am the only person who understands my research the most. I think the lawyer prepared a cover letter with a good and organized structure, but I added a lot of specific information about my research strength and its significance to the US.

Hopefully the information is helpful! Good luck!
1652372006-01-09 20:45:59
Who is your lawyer?
7192006-01-09 21:20:17
1651732006-01-09 21:26:05
12892006-01-10 15:13:07
回复:NIW approved at TSC
12892006-01-10 15:16:09
回复:NIW approved at TSC