nanu2006-01-10 18:10:21
我上次回国入关时,护照还有半年到期,所以海关把我HIB的I-94卡到期日缩短到了只有半年.现在我护照已延期.想请问如何更改I-94的到期日? 是否可以到LOCAL OFFICE更改,无须交费,马上可取? 还是需要填写I102,上缴160元申请费,邮寄到SERVICE CENTER?
128532006-01-10 19:44:13
回复:I-94 更改
mytwocents2006-01-10 19:47:14
File 539 to extend. 102 does not work.
mytwocents2006-01-10 19:51:30
Sorry, 539 may not work for H1B
greenc2006-01-10 22:05:25
don not file 539 to extend, or it may be refused.
sl022006-01-10 22:06:04
go to nearest intl. airport. I did that. see details