smile_girl2006-01-13 01:10:15
My company just filed my 140&485 from the Vermont center as EB3. My previous employer just got my RIR lc approved as EB2. Can my previous company stil file 140&485 for me from VSC? That way which ever come first, I can take it.

Many thanks.
sanfran2006-01-13 02:24:31
how come my lawyer told me no longer possible to concurrently fi
mytwocents2006-01-13 02:31:50
Your lawyer is right, you can not file 485 until
smile_girl2006-01-13 02:48:59
The PD is for 2002, so it is current.Can I file 2 140&485?
mytwocents2006-01-13 02:53:51
If the PD is current, no rule prevents you from
mytwocents2006-01-13 03:26:45
on the other hand, your two 485s are for different