hahajing012006-01-31 04:23:47
I am now working with my OPT and my h1b will start on June 30 2006.My question is: if I quit the job before the h1b starts(i.e. June 30 2006), am I still on my OPT then? Thanks a lot!

xiaobaitu2006-01-31 04:30:56
Yes,if you notify USCIS.
hahajing012006-01-31 04:47:01
Thank you so much for your prompt reply! one more question!回复
xiaobaitu2006-01-31 05:21:07
回复:Thank you so much for your prompt reply! one more question
hahajing012006-01-31 15:30:14
回复:回复:Thank you so much for your prompt reply! one more qu