71452006-02-04 17:15:43
more than 100 publications (half as first author, and >40 journal papers);
reviewer of 9 top journals
a technical committee member
several awards (international and china national)
several invited talks/papers
1 patent (about ten pending)
more than ten references (three members of academy-science or engineering, other four IEEE fellows, etc.)
two media reports on the research

cannot beleive this, CSC is really so.....
x1y2z32006-02-04 17:24:09
How old is he? Too good to believe
sleepbluey2006-02-04 18:08:47
it depends on how he/she presents the case
line2222006-02-04 18:24:30
willl be 35 at the end of 2006
gcht2006-02-05 02:47:36
中国有句话:言多必失! 说多了难免不被抓住小辫子。