元极2006-02-21 21:58:52
One friend's current EAD expires today, she have not yet received the new one. She has 2 weeks of gap between current EAD expiration date and the 90 day policy before going to local office to get a temperary EAD card.

However, she went to the local office (in LA) today. The officer did not issue her a temperary card, but told her that she can legally work, his explanations are: she has ever been authorized to work legally (the officer meant the old EAD card she has right now) and her new extension application is pending. Can we trust what the officer said about the working?

Please share your experiences!

Nebraska2006-02-21 22:15:20
回复:再请问及讨论: EAD延长pending其间能否工作的问题
mytwocents2006-02-21 22:41:25
回复:再请问及讨论: EAD延长pending其间能否工作的问题