gcrequest2006-02-23 17:14:59
I posted twice about a new bill appeared on AILA website. One section (6) of it is about highly educated foreigners. However no one responded. Here I put the excerpt of the bill related to H1B and green card quota in, see if anyone would be interested to go on and urge your senators to support such a relief for H1b and green card quota for us: http://www.aila.org/content/default.aspx?docid=18591

Section 601 - removes the numerical limit for H1-B visas held by aliens working at a college or related non-profit entity or a non-profit or governmental research organization. (I think it meant to eliminate for-profit H1B quota for these aliens)

Section 602 - removes the numeric limit on visas for aliens who have earned an advanced degree in science, technology, engineering, or math in the US and their spouses and unmarried, minor children.

Section 603 - allows full-time foreign college and graduate students to work while studying in the US.

Section 604 - allows foreign students who graduate from a US college with honors and who have a job offer in the US to transition from a student visa to a work visa without leaving the country.

Section 605 - allows foreign students to travel outside of the US to attend a seminar that is related to the student's chosen field of study.

Section 606 - requires DHS, subject to the availability of appropriations, to hire additional employees to speed the processing of student visa applications and improve technologies for processing such applications.