inforeader2006-02-24 23:58:16
Considering filing a Skilled Worker Immigration application, but I have 3 questions:

1. I've been in US for almost 10 years, US master degree and have being working as an IT professional for more than 5 years. How's the possibility that I'll be asked to provide the IELTS scores?
2. I'm divorced, have a son living with my ex-wife while she's the only guardian. If I just file an application for myself, do I still need to fill in those detailed information of my ex-wife and my son in the "Details of Family Members" section? like recent photo etc...
3. Can I also apply for my son while I'm not the legal guardian to him?

Thanks in advance!
MeiGuoNongMin2006-02-26 23:55:12
回复:Help - 加拿大技术移民问题