我现在是j-1签证,来美国一年,打算回国后再回来,还是j签证,另外一个学校,另外一个项目,我护照和ds2019表上有必须回国两年服务计划,请问,我是不是等回国后可也马上申请J-1签证,还是必须要在国内呆两年,才能再次申请?我问学校的IFSA了,他们就给我发了个文件,说:Some J-1 exchange visitors and their dependents are required to return either to their country of nationality or country of legal permanent residence and to live there for a period of two years after their J program ends, and before they can obtain certain U.S. immigration benefits. The purpose of this requirement is to provide the home country with the benefit of the exchange visitor’s experience in the United States.
可欧还是不明白,里边有个J-1 progrem ends?这是指一个项目end还是指3-5年j-1期满后必须回国