mw!2006-03-11 04:24:04

About the company
Signing person’s name, job title and email address
Number of employees
Gross income and Net income
If company’s address, name, , phone number, FEIN have changed since last
time we filed H-1, please must provide updates

About your job
Job title and Job deion (if they changes since last time we submitted
the H-1 Petition)
Job location
Current salary

About yourself
Current residential address
All contact phone numbers
Social Security Number
Email address
Country of birth and Province of birth
Citizenship (especially when it’s different than the country of birth)
If you earned a U.S. Master degree, please provide the following:
Name of U.S. institution
Date degree awarded
Address of the U.S. institution (please must include the street name)
Please tell us where do you want this extension package to be mailed? (the
package needs to be signed by the employer)

Please submit copies of the following:
Current resume
Most recent I-94, both sides (please make sure the current entry date stamp
is showing clearly)
Recent two-month paycheck stubs
Passport ID page showing the expiration date


TX_Kitty2006-03-11 04:58:40
mw!2006-03-11 05:10:40
多谢TX_Kitty 。我可以让公司
TX_Kitty2006-03-11 05:24:28
39042006-03-11 05:39:41
39042006-03-11 06:03:37
TX_Kitty2006-03-11 06:21:43
h1b extension don't need fraud fee. only for
682382006-03-11 16:07:10
回复:h1b extension don't need fraud fee. only for
39042006-03-11 17:47:19
回复:h1b extension don't need fraud fee. only for
小独子2006-03-11 18:55:03
小独子2006-03-11 18:58:11
Did you use e-file? If so, you created account online in the na
小独子2006-03-11 19:00:37
回复:Did you use e-file? If so, you created account online in
TX_Kitty2006-03-12 21:46:17