本人欲于4月3日赴驻温哥华美国使馆办理签证。请刚刚办好签证的大虾分享一下在加办理签证的过程和注意事项。不胜感激!同时, 寻赴温哥华美国使馆签证的同伴 (本人现在俄勒冈州的波特兰市)。我的联系办法如下 - (503) 442-9794, discover605@yahoo.com.
I will go to Vancouver, BC to apply for a US visa on Mon. Apr. 3. I would appreciate it if anyone who has got their US visas in Canada recently can share his or her visa application experiences.
Meanwhile, please contact me if you would also go to Vancouver to apply for a US visa in the same week. I am currently living in Portland, Oregon. Here is my contact information – (503) 442-9794, discover605@yahoo.com.
Thank you for your attentioin!