seeyouagain2006-03-16 22:49:47
2月份到公司上班,但是OPT (F1) 三月份才到,老板同意付二月份的工资,今天填表,employment date 填的是2月1日,可是,opt 生效日期是3月9日。会不会有麻烦?
Suggest!!2006-03-16 23:08:29
seeyouagain2006-03-16 23:31:05
Suggest!!2006-03-16 23:46:26
Don't take any money before opt starts, ask your
mytwocents2006-03-16 23:57:06
You may have some small trouble with your 485
seeyouagain2006-03-17 02:38:52
回复:You may have some small trouble with your 485
mytwocents2006-03-17 15:05:14
回复:回复:You may have some small trouble with your 485