3x3x3x2006-03-17 19:02:24
The Senator introduced his bill yesterday to the Senate bypassing the Senate Judiciary Committee. Surprisingly, this bill include more positive reform for the "legal" immigration, particularly "employment-based" immigration, indeed somewhat better than the Specter's Mark! We are in the process of analyzing part of the bill. As soon as this bill is analyzed, we will post the summary of EB-related provisions. Please stay tuned. (immigration-law.com)
3x3x3x2006-03-17 19:05:03
mytwocents2006-03-17 20:12:06
Jus for fun. A suggestion to bill frist
mytwocents2006-03-17 20:24:22
Without the amensty, Bill's bill has better chance than
windspeed2006-03-17 20:26:10
回复:Bill frist did not exempt EB1 from quota.
3x3x3x2006-03-17 20:30:24
回复:Without the amensty, Bill's bill has better chance than
mytwocents2006-03-17 20:40:33
Demoncrats need the provision to attract the
flyingtiger2006-03-17 21:44:21
回复:回复:Bill frist did not exempt EB1 from quota.