3x3x3x2006-04-06 21:24:03
04/06/2006, 3:00 EST: Senate Republicans Agreement Turned Into Bi-Partisan Agreement

We reported earlier the Senate Republican Members Agreement last night. Today, the Democratic Minority Leader and other Democractic leaders agreed to the proposal, turning the Republican agreement into the Bi-Partisan Agreement. This dramatic break-through opens a door to the possibility of passing the Senate version of Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill, S. 2454, as amended before this week is over and before the Congress goes into the recess next two weeks.
The development is accompanied by three other developments:
President released statement supporting the bi-partisan agreement;
Senate rejected the Democrat's motion to cloture for the Specter amendments to S.2454;
Senate also relected the Republican Kyl' motion for his amendments.
Now we see the light at the end of the tunnel!!
x1y2z32006-04-06 21:36:54
3x3x3x2006-04-06 21:42:00
乱讲2006-04-06 21:46:36
北方妞妞2006-04-06 22:06:37
Los Angeles: 回复:戚律师那部分的?
shoot2006-04-06 22:33:30
北方妞妞2006-04-06 22:43:40
往里砸钱贝: 回复:今儿刚在LA18看到了他的广告
iamclientofsteve2006-04-06 22:50:35
回复:往里砸钱贝: 还到处做FREE的移民讲座,我就是这样
北方妞妞2006-04-06 23:21:17
我的帖子怎么没了?Steve Qi: 整个一法盲:无权泄露客人案情,无权提级
iamclientofsteve2006-04-06 23:29:07