drama2006-03-17 21:23:17
请问,绿卡(以前H4)在与绿卡配偶(主申请人,EB1)离婚后, 如何保持自己的绿卡身份? 谢谢
sdfsdfsdff2006-03-17 21:33:54
回复:绿卡(以前H4)在与绿卡配偶离婚后, 如何保持自己的绿卡身份
drama2006-03-17 21:42:47
回复:回复:绿卡(以前H4)在与绿卡配偶离婚后, 如何保持自己的绿
radiology2006-03-17 21:48:29
all GC are same, more than 6 month
mytwocents2006-03-17 21:48:40
If you already got GC, no problem
3x3x3x2006-03-17 21:50:28
回复:If you already got GC, no problem
mytwocents2006-03-17 21:53:30
She was H4.
mytwocents2006-03-17 21:54:03
I guess that she must be based on EB.
3x3x3x2006-03-17 21:57:51
那怕个鸟!两个卡平等!回复:I guess that she must be based on EB.