jm16102006-03-20 18:52:37
排了三年多队的LC case 最近收到case close letter from DOL's BLC. 原因是"untimely and imcomplete response". 但律师申称是BLC的错. 律师的确回复过45天"继续办理"确认信. (但仅一页传真而已). 据律师称,BLC 并没要求别的文件.

1. Case reopen 的机会还有吗?
2. Potentially, 律师有责任吗?
3. 接下来该做什么呀, H1B 还有一年多一点而已.

mytwocents2006-03-20 20:34:26
Ask your lawyer to send back the evidence
jm16102006-03-21 01:40:42
回复:还有救吗? LC case closed from Philadephia
ddso2006-03-21 03:24:19
回复:还有救吗? LC case closed from Philadephia
mytwocents2006-03-21 16:37:44
There are many such cases. It takes time.