grey-hair2006-04-05 20:35:27
I ever got arrected around two years ago, because of drunk driving. But the case was dismissed. Now I'm applying for green card. Do I need to tell that I have been arrested before when I fill in the form and in the interview?
I asked lawyers, some said I don't need to do that since the case was dismissed. And some said I still need to tell about the arrestment, since the finger print is still there and the Federal gov will see that.

Really not sure what should I do.
GreatStar2006-04-05 20:38:46
You should answer Yes
grey-hair2006-04-05 20:41:08
回复:You should answer Yes
grey-hair2006-04-05 20:43:11
回复:You should answer Yes
GreatStar2006-04-05 22:08:32