NorthStar2006-04-06 20:39:33
I used to married in China and divorced in Canada five years ago. I re-married in US last year.I just realized there is a mistake made on marriage licence -- the number of previous marriage appears "0" instead of "1". We called clerk and was told it's not necessary to correct it since marriage licence is expired after three month. It will take about one year to correct it if we want to.

We already filed I-485 last August, could you please advise me what we need to do???

worry, worry....
NorthStar2006-04-06 20:44:32
回复:XiaoBaiTu and other experts, please help...
3x3x3x2006-04-06 20:47:15
都是同一个人?真会折腾回复:回复:XiaoBaiTu and other experts, pl
xiaobaitu2006-04-07 04:22:11
Don't worry,just try to explain to immigration officer