心急的问2006-04-10 02:09:37

1. 15. Home Address (Include apartment number, street, city, state or province, postal zone and country). 填国内的住址吗?

2. 20. Name and Address of Present Employer or School. F2出来转F1已经四年了,这里该填什么?

3. 21. Present Occupation. 这个又填什么? unemployment??

4. 26. How Long Do You Intend To Stay in The U.S.? 填多久?到H1配偶失效的日期吗?

5. 30. Have You Ever Been Issued a U.S. Visa? Yes No 是不是填第一次F2签证的信息, additional visa issuance 要不要填F1的情况?

6. 37. Are Any of The Following Persons in The U.S., or Do They Have U.S. Legal Permanent Residence or U.S. Citizenship?
Mark YES or NO and indicate that person's status in the U.S. (i.e., U.S. legal permanent resident, U.S. citizen, visiting, studying, working, etc儿子出生在美国,现在才两岁。应该填吧。对申请签证是有利还是不利?


lianritan2006-04-10 09:52:53