jimmy20022003-12-19 21:12:00
我是J1身份,还有1年期限,现与原老板合同到期,又收到同一大学中另外一个系的老板提供的Offer,现在international education office办换IAP66时,办事人员提出如下:The Department of State does not allow a 'change of objective' in your program. You would have to be continuing your research in the same subject/field and this is not a continuation in your program. Due to Federal Regulations mandated by the Department of State - I was unable to make the transfer/extension for you.
但事实是尽管本人换了系但都是研究环境的,属同一范围.而且此前从未听说有J1 Holder在转校或转工作时遇到此类问题.现向大家请教:我能在哪里找到这类相关的规定去argue.谢谢

byby112003-12-19 21:29:00
baby112003-12-19 21:29:00
时候也换系了2003-12-19 22:00:00