ladyfang2003-12-21 07:24:00
I am F1 in OPT expires 01/12/2004,and has filed status change to H4. I was just told by International Student Advisor that I am out of status since this Aug. because I was admitted by another department at the same university and took 3 units classes in fall semester. Though I have only one I-20, they insisted my status is violated according to new regulations. They suggested to issue me a new SEVIS I-20 started Jan. 2004 from the department that I selected class in Fall and I reenter US from Mexico/Canada with stamp on this new I-20. The advisor said that since my F-1 visa and I-94 is about the same university, I needn't apply visa in Mexico just reenter US and let the US port officer stamp on my new I-20.
1.Do I lose my F1 status? if yes, Does advisor's suggestion can clear my out of status?
2. Will board officers stamp on I-20 if I don't renew F-1 visa in Mexico/Canada? If I asked board officers to stamp my new I-20, will they check SEVIS and deny my entry?

AdviseYou2003-12-21 18:33:00
ladyfang2003-12-21 23:50:00
sdfsdfsdff2003-12-22 01:26:00
sdfsdfsdff2003-12-22 01:37:00
forget my other post