haniowa2006-04-27 22:50:22
Hi, I am a H1B visa holder since I first came to USA in July 2003. Because of the treaty between China and USA, I don't need to pay the Federal and my State income tax for 3 years. My employer (University) did not withhold tax for these 3 years. My question is "Do I still need to file the tax return?"?

thanks a lot!
zyy12342006-04-27 23:26:23
回复:question about Federal and State Tax
haniowa2006-04-27 23:32:06
回复:回复:question about Federal and State Tax
bo2005jie2006-04-28 00:44:05
回复:question about Federal and State Tax
zzzzzr2006-04-28 01:42:28
回复:question about Federal and State Tax