nanaa2006-05-04 02:15:08
I filed perm EB3 in Dec 2005 and got approved in Jan, 2006 then I filed 140 and got approved in April, 2006. It seems I have to wait for 5 years to get my PD current. I have an option that is to change to another job and file perm EB2 and 140 again. my question is that do you think I should wait in my current company (which I may have to wait for 5 years) or change to another company(file perm EB2 and 140 which maybe I only need to wait for 1-2 years but there's a risk that the perm or 140 won't be approved). what do you think?
xiaobaitu2006-05-04 02:35:27
You can't know what will happen tomorrow,if I'm you,
nanaa2006-05-04 04:03:39
xiao bai tu, I don't get what you mean.
xiaobaitu2006-05-04 05:18:08
LC for job in future,many people work for sponsor