johnsonus2006-05-10 21:41:52
Don’t be waiting for the visa bulletin today. It comes out on Friday of the second week (not the second Friday) every month.
shoot2006-05-10 21:54:24
Friday of 2nd week!=2nd Friday????????
worry_mom2006-05-10 22:02:26
7Apr05 is 1st friday & friday of 2nd week
oraclexin2006-05-10 22:03:18
Friday of 2nd week!=2nd Friday!!!!!!!!!!
johnsonus2006-05-10 22:05:52
回复:Friday of 2nd week!=2nd Friday????????
ChineseTeddybear2006-05-10 22:23:13
So it will be claimed on May 12 this month, won't it???
worry_mom2006-05-10 22:31:32
seems all want to easy the air here, ^_^~~~~. 开饭啦...
spaceneedle2006-05-10 23:25:02
If the first day of one month start with Saturday, then