dudududu20062006-05-11 03:46:06
WIll INS cash the processing fee of $1000? I am paying it myself.
My opt will expire June 1 and I asked to do premium processing and company mailed the application yesterday. On the same day I checked INS website and found out that it is approved. Will INS cash my check??? Thanks for any replies.
laoyanhunhua2006-05-11 03:57:14
回复:H1B premium processing submitted the same day got approval
dudududu20062006-05-11 03:59:04
They didn't get my mail, so I hope they don't cash the check.
guaiguaide2006-05-11 04:25:31
cth1632006-05-11 04:51:03
你是否想马儿好, 又要不吃草?