pffj2003-12-30 03:22:00
I applied for F-1 in Shanghai on Dec. 29 and was denied. My F-2 visa's second entry is still valid. Does anyone know if there may be trouble when I enter the US port? Do you think the immigration officer will find out that my F-1 application was denied and refuse to let me in with my F-2 visa? Can anybody share their experience? Thank you very much!

immigrate2003-12-30 03:32:00
They first voided your F2.
pffj2003-12-30 03:35:00
回复:They first voided your F2.
immigrate2003-12-30 03:47:00
Then maybe you've got a chance
pffj2003-12-30 03:52:00
thank you