daichiba2006-05-13 05:41:16
I am thinking to do canada immigration by myself (skill class) after I checked out the canadian requirements, I found one of requirement is bit unclear for me. I have resided in third country for seven yrs before I come to usa. (after when I was 18)
the canadian government need police certificate from each country after 18. I will submit my fingerprint to fbi in order to get us police certificate, however, I wasnt able to get that third country's police certificate due to I was not citizen from that country. (only PR) plus I am not living there anymore, it is very difficulty for me to get any kind of letter to verify. if I submitted only US police certificate, is that enough? is my application will be rejected?
Anyone who has more experience, please share
thanks in advance
dealseadealsea2006-05-13 06:18:50
回复:immigration requirement for canada police certificate