希望成功2003-12-31 02:41:00
Sibmit evidence to establish how the benefit you are to impart is to be national in scope. How will your research be national in scope? Is anybody using your ideas? what effect will your proposed work in the united states have on the united states as a whole?
Please submit documention that shows "substantial prospective benefit" to the national interes and sepcifically sets the benficiary as apart from the beneficiary prospective field not just as a graduate student.
请问朋友们, 有没有这样的情况?你们怎么处理?补充了什么样的材料?有appeal letter 的样本吗?

carbuyer22003-12-31 02:58:00
what is your field of study?
希望成功2003-12-31 03:52:00
Environmental Engineering.
carbuyer22003-12-31 04:03:00
Are u a student and RFE by TSC
假博士2003-12-31 14:16:00
回复:给点建议I-140 补充材料
希望成功2003-12-31 22:35:00