ninesong2006-05-19 11:20:39
谁知道昨天参议院通过的议案的详细内容: 工作移民可以不通过雇主申请绿卡. 现在只希望把485 180天后换工作"same or similiar"的要求去掉.

Earlier, the Senate approved an amendment that would allow immigrant workers to apply for permanent residence without the sponsorship of their employers.

The amendment, offered by Senators Edward M. Kennedy and John McCain, was intended to prevent "abuse of employees," according to Senator Kennedy. It was adopted by a vote of 56 to 43. "The self-petition gives the worker some rights and respect as an employee," Mr. Kennedy said.
einmaliger2006-05-19 12:17:42
you are talking about H2C. it has nothing to do with H1B
ninesong2006-05-19 12:44:53
所以还是得把原文找出来才知道Immigration Worker倒底指什么
HHLL2006-05-19 13:48:53
1110122006-05-19 14:48:37
那保姆算不算H2C 呢?谢谢.
ninesong2006-05-19 16:11:13
大家还是来点专业精神, 不要想当然
mytwocents2006-05-19 16:39:57
Not include H1B absolutely.
cth1632006-05-19 19:36:02
参议院通过又有什么用, 等到成为最后的法律再来讲.