yy12006-05-24 02:54:45
Hello, I applied Advanced parole with multiple entries. but I only get two parole stamps instead of three parole stamps.

What's wrong with that?

Where should I specify that I need three [the maxium] parole stamps?
In the part three: should I specify three intended departare date?
[part 3: 1 Date of Intended Departare mm/dd/yy)
xx/xx/xxxx, xx/xx/xxxx/, xx/xx/xxxx

Also how many ID Pictures should I submit? Shoiuld I submit 3 picture to get three
parole stamps?


sqgs2006-05-24 04:07:54
Only two documents are needed
laoyanhunhua2006-05-24 04:09:09
回复:Urgent help on Advanced Parole!!!