朱珠尔2006-05-31 02:06:12
我的NIW是140, 485 一起2005年8月份交的。140是9/23批的。9/21日做的指纹,USCIS的网页last updated日期有相应的改变。
请问我的case现在是在FBI做name check吗?我在这里看到过有的朋友打电话或写e-mail查询,我可以查询我的case吗?我希望能够催催他们,他们能把要查的都查好,一旦变成current就可以approve.

I think it will continue to move forward pretty much at the same pace. They
try to work them up all the way to the point that once its current they can
just approve it. But there's no way to know whether the check has actually
cleared yet or not unfortunately.
朱珠尔2006-05-31 07:15:19
断肠人2006-05-31 16:06:28
回复:请问我的case是在name check这一步上吗?可以查询吗?