Luck2U2004-01-05 18:22:00
Thanks for any input. I have three I94 cards in my hand with same number, one for J2, others for H1B. I am leaving US soon, I wonder which one I should hand in at the port of exit, and when I am back with advance parole, I will be issued a new I94 with a different number, does it affect my GC petition? Thanks a lot for any advice and suggestion.

假博士2004-01-05 19:01:00
You should use the newest one.
Luck2U2004-01-05 22:11:00
Thanks, but our ISO said
hgd2004-01-05 22:28:00
you should only have one
Luck2U2004-01-06 16:14:00
I do have three in my hand