outstatus2004-01-05 22:41:00
I was out of status at the end of May. I apllied OPT in Feb and planned to graduate in May. Just after submitting OPT application, My advisor gave me another experiment and hoped me to added to my thesis. We planned to graduate in the Summer of 2003. The end of My I-20 was to Dec 2004. I didn't know SEVES system changed my I-20 to May, 2003.

I filed reinstatement of I-20 in Aug and haven't received the decision yet.Since I only extend my I-20 to Dec, 2003. I worried about my status very much. Does anybody have reinstatement experince, please give me advice.

I read about those who is 180 day's out of status could not re-enter with a new visa in this web. Would anybody give me the source of regulation?
If I am denied of reinstatement, I don't know whether I could go back China for a H1-b and come back.

Any advice and information will be greatly appreciated!

我见2004-01-06 02:22:00
回复: Question on Reinstatement
outstatus2004-01-06 04:04:00
Re:Question on Reinstatement
我见2004-01-06 12:59:00
outstatus2004-01-06 15:00:00