niqi2006-06-09 02:21:44
I myself filed I-140 NIW (anti-cancer drug) at the end of September, 2005 at Vermont Center. The case were transferred to NSC (transfer notice was received on May 22, 2006).Today I received the NIW RFE notice.The RFE is as follows:

"Additional evidence is requested to assist the Service evaluate eligibility for a national interest waiver pursuant to the test established in Matter of New York State Dept of Transportation, 22 I&N Dec. 215 (Comm.1998). (Please note: the evidence already submitted demonstrates that the proposed research employment has substantial intrinsic merit and will be national in scope).

Please submit any available additional documentary evidence that, as of the petition priority date, you had a degree of influence on your field that distinguishes you from scientists with comparable academic/professional qualifications. The evidence may include, for example, copies of published articles that cite or otherwise recognize your research achievements. Similarly, if applicable, evidence of official recognition conferred on you by government entities or professional organizations may also be submitted."

Could you please advise how to deal with it?

In addition, I have a few questions:

1). Should I prepare a new petition letter or similar stuff?
2). Can I resubmit the recommendation letters or try to request some new reference? If I request new reference, what content would you suggest in the reference?
3). Can I resubmit my awards (not all in cancer research)?

I highly appreciate your kind help!
WorthIt2006-06-09 09:37:08
回复:小白兔及各大侠, Help me with 140 RFE
NIWwaiting2006-06-09 13:56:33
回复:回复:小白兔及各大侠, Help me with 140 RFE
NIWwaiting2006-06-09 14:00:45
Like the most of NIW RFE from NSC
VSC_NSC2006-06-09 14:04:13
It's not a difficult one
WorthIt2006-06-09 16:23:13
回复:回复:小白兔及各大侠, Help me with 140 RFE