cajj222004-01-08 17:38:00
From ""
01/07/2004: Bush's Immigration Reform Program and Unanswered Questions

Even though the announced Bush immigration reform program is far from being perfect, this web site generally wecomes the move. This program, however, seriously neglects to answer one question which has been considered a fundamental flaw in the immigration management system, to wit, immigration backlogs. The current immigration system has already reached the level of backlogs which are admitted by the four corners of the society unacceptable. The President promised years back that the processing time would be reduced to "six months" in five years by pumping in $500 million. Despite the pump-in of money, the record reflects that the processing times have moved in reverse direction. The system is seriously clogged! In the announcement, the President emphasized that the proposed program should not give an unfair advantage to the illegal immigrants over the legal immigrants who have been waiting in a long line of waiting and waiting. The suggestion is admirable that the new immigrant workers should not be pull ahead of other immigrants in the processing queue. Fair enough! What about its impact on the existing backlog, SIR? The President should have answered this question and the proposed immigration reform program should have incorporated this part of reform as the fundamental issue. Since millions of people are expected to benefit from the President's proposal, the President should have worked out the improvement of the immigration system that can accomodate the increasing caseloads of millions on top of the existing backlog. Arguably, the existing backlog is caused by the need for fight on terrorism and security clearance system. Everyone admits at this point of time that such need may not disappear in the near future. This reporter wonders what kind of plan the President has to face this issue. Without doubt, the President will ask the Congress to allocate a substantial money to accomodate the increased caseloads. Would money resolve the issue, though? Many will doubt whether the existing backlog in the immigration system is solely related to the insufficient funds. The immigration system has already heavily relied on user charge funds and not tax money. There has been no change in the clogged system! This web site wishes to hear from the President his plan for reform of the management system in parallel with the announced immigration reform plan.

Address~~2004-01-08 20:31:00
Any comments?
cajj222004-01-08 22:28:00
Bush don't care about