PurpleBlue2006-06-21 17:49:30
上周五打电话改地址,结果这周连续三天(06/19, 06/20, 06/21)有LUD. 140 AD: 12/01/05. I485 PD: 08/30/05. 有人有类似情况吗?
PurpleBlue2006-06-21 17:55:09
回复:I485, VSC, EB2(NIW), address change 后 LUD
purohol2006-06-21 18:07:13
PurpleBlue2006-06-21 18:13:32
谢谢回复! 希望是有别的进展.
DM20062006-06-21 18:50:08
回复: My I-485 LUD has been updated also twice
qazwsx2006-06-21 19:11:55
DUE to address change回复:I485, VSC, EB2(NIW), address change
PurpleBlue2006-06-21 19:12:37
Hope we will get good news soon!
PurpleBlue2006-06-21 19:21:22
I believe the LUDs are due to address change when I saw
DM20062006-06-21 19:32:34
回复:I agree with you. Because my LUD updated
happyheart2006-06-21 19:35:44
回复:回复:I agree with you. Because my LUD updated
DM20062006-06-21 19:47:07
回复:回复:回复:I agree with you. Because my LUD updated
PurpleBlue2006-06-21 20:00:52
Guess yours is definitely moving forward. Might get
DM20062006-06-21 20:12:50
回复:hope we all get good news soon.
legend_of_walker2006-06-21 21:21:40
Yes, it updated three times for me too (change address).
PurpleBlue2006-06-21 21:38:52
回复:Yes, it updated three times for me too (change address).
legend_of_walker2006-06-22 15:48:08
Mine was also done about 10 days before.