confuse, where should I file I140 form? thanks.
2006-07-03 18:48:54
2006-07-03 18:48:54
I am applying by myself. The manual of I140 form on USCIS website indicates that I should file I140 to Vermont, but I heard that all 140 forms should be filed to Nebrasca. Could someone please tell me where to file? Thanks a lot.
so far, VSC CSC reduced 140 approval by 60% due to transfer
poiuy 2006-07-03 18:46:58
加急 EAD
zebrafish 2006-07-03 18:44:41
a new case number will be required for transfered 140 before bei
poiuy 2006-07-03 18:37:12
? on ID 482 in www.gctrail.com
沈半仙 2006-07-03 18:29:54
NSC only touch 140 cases numbered with LIN....
poiuy 2006-07-03 18:28:46
女儿生在美国, 请问我把她带回中国后,她是否还能继续拥有美国公民
fanger 2006-07-03 18:27:54
加拿大登陆,请问atuzaiinus 和其他刚登陆的朋友.谢谢atuzaiinus分享
BABYLOVE68 2006-07-03 18:25:58
急-小白兔及各位大侠请教: 485问题
发愁人 2006-07-03 18:24:17
回复:回复: confuse, LUD on Sunday? I got consecutive 3 days LU
NIW2005Wait 2006-07-03 18:09:27
USCIS check申请状态的多久更新一次?
Sarina 2006-07-03 17:58:44
confuse, where should I file I140 form? thanks.
breezewood 2006-07-03 18:48:54
The manual of I140 form on USCIS website indicates I should file
breezewood 2006-07-03 15:33:09
breezewood 2006-02-24 16:15:32