zpl2004-01-12 22:46:00
I entered USA in 1998 as an F1 student. I worked as a post-doc after graduated and got my status transferred to H1B. The post-doc position ended on Jan 2, 2004. I haven't found a new employer yet so far. I filed I-140 and I-485 concurrently under NIW in December 2003 and got the reciepts. I got an interview for a new position recently, if nothing will go wrong, I will get the position. But it may take 2-4 months before my new H1B petition can be filed. Can anybody please tell me if my stay in USA is legal now if my I-140 (and I-485) will be denied in the future? What would be other consequences to stay if my I-140 will be denied? And if I will get the new offer, can I have the new employer to file H1 for me and get it without leaving USA? Does anybody has any suggestions for my situation? Thanks a lot for all your helps!

我见2004-01-13 14:24:00
回复:urgent help needed in H1B