zds2006-07-07 14:52:17
Please Help,I hold H-1 Visa and doing job transfer right now.If I start my job with my new employer,could I still get salary pay from my old employer?all information you give me are truly appreciated.thank you.
h1brenew2006-07-07 14:57:14
回复:H1 visa only could work for one employer
H1bRenew2006-07-07 15:08:05
回复:回复:H1 visa only could work for one employer
lexus2006-07-07 15:11:23
h1b visa is an employer sponsored visa. If you want to
H1bRenew2006-07-07 15:18:49
回复:h1b visa is an employer sponsored visa. If you want to
zds2006-07-07 15:34:43
回复:回复:h1b visa is an employer sponsored visa. If you want
H1bRenew2006-07-07 15:44:04
Anybody know what the filing fee for amend a current H1b from fu