土拨鼠拨土2006-07-13 20:26:01
It is a surprise to us. Our EB1 case has been approved from Nebraska Center. We did skeleton file before Oct.1st and submitted other material at the end of Nov. 2005. I noticed some new cases have been approved by TSC rather than by Nebraska. Therefore, I ever expected to get approved around the end of this year if we are lucky. It is really a surprise to us and we want to share the information to every one. It seems that the Nebraska center is accelerating its speed.

PD: Oct. 15, 2005
140 approved: Dec, 2005
FP: Feb, 2006
485 approved: July. 13, 2006

Good luck.
U-U2006-07-13 20:31:16
土拨鼠拨土2006-07-14 18:53:30
I do not know,