问题复杂2006-07-14 03:54:07
想了很久,不得其所!婚姻绿卡申请485时要付两人的G-325 for applicant and sponsor.我的问题是form G-325A 有4页,但4页的填写内容完全一样,我就不明白是applicant and sponsor both need to finish full 4-page form, or applicant and sponsor finish one page of 4-page form? 小小的表格都填了好几次了,还没搞明白。多谢
This is link for form G-325A, 大家帮忙看看吧

xiaobaitu2006-07-14 04:00:34
easyguy2006-07-14 05:03:25
Please note the bottoms of the four pages are different.
GCluck2006-07-14 05:47:50
回复:The question about form G-325 when apply I-485, please hel