NIW102006-07-15 17:16:27
My case (I140/485 concurrently filed) was transfered from CSC to TSC on March 23 and I got the receipt say TSC received my transfered package on March 29. Then it LUD twice on 5/22 and 6/24 respectively. A couple of friends around me they submitted their application at the end of last Sept. and they also got the LUD on 5/22, and 6/24, then they have already got their I-140 approved on 7/31/06.

My question is why the official in TSC touched my case on 5/22 and 6/24, and let it alone after that? anything wrong? May I write a letter to TSC and inquire the situation of my case? any advantage or disadvantage if do so?

Thanks a lot, have a nice weekend.
NIW102006-07-15 17:22:47
Sorry for the correction, they got their I-140 approved on 6/30/
xiaobaitu2006-07-15 17:25:38
You may write to them,usually need 3-4 weeks to get reply.
NIW102006-07-15 17:35:31
Thank you so much Xiaobaitu, which mailing add should be sent?
xiaobaitu2006-07-15 18:09:40
Which one is you want to inquire?
NIW102006-07-15 18:23:15
回复:Which one is you want to inquire?
xiaobaitu2006-07-15 18:26:19
You'd better write to them,电话中得到的信息往往不可靠。另外
NIW102006-07-15 22:49:57
Thank you very much, Xiaobaitu.