maoguai2006-07-18 21:05:24
看看下面的统计数据。03/17/2006时,363,000+ 个BEC案件已经完成了108,000+ 件,其中只有50,000 件Certified,通过率不到50%。 还有,从2005年3月到06年3月,全世界PERM总共批准才36,587。这其中,EB2主要来与India,EB3主要来与Mexico。所以,我觉得到明年这个时候,China EB2可以到06年初。

04/06/2006: DOL Report of Status of PERM and Backlog Applications Processing as of 03/17/2006

DOL has reported the following statistics to the AILA:
Total Received: 80,272
Certified: 36,587
Denied: 23,305
Audit: 24,960
Withdrawn: 1,950
Backlog Cases:
Total Received: 363,000+
Total Completed: 108,000+
Total Certified: 50,000
Balance: 255,000
Full data entry will will be completed by 06/30/2006 as scheduled.
peter20062006-07-18 21:07:04
add into 八月排期与武林近期状况分析报告