大连MM2006-07-19 15:07:29
I submitted all my H1 transfer documents on July 11 for premium processing. Just checked with bank, check has not been cashed. Is this normal? I didn't send certified mail, only priorty mail. Lost mail? How long it will take them to cash the check? and how soon they can send me a receipt and how soon get result? My current H1-B will expire on August 14. Worried...

Anyone who recently did transfer please share your experience with me. Thanks.
hahaha~2006-07-19 15:33:58
you can't use personal check
youdianfan2006-07-19 15:40:38
I don't think so
needwait..2006-07-19 16:05:10
I think personal check doesn't work well.
大连MM2006-07-19 16:12:04
Clarify: The check is not personal check, but company's check
梅影2006-07-19 16:18:51
梅影2006-07-19 16:23:04
aus2006-07-19 16:26:22
回复:How long it will take to receive receipt/notice for H-1 Tr
aus2006-07-19 16:27:57
大连MM2006-07-19 16:30:36
Yes, I did myself. No lawyer involoved.
大连MM2006-07-19 16:34:36
Thank you for your reply. in your case, it's really fast.
大连MM2006-07-19 16:36:16
Thanks. You got your receipt in 3 wks or the approval?
梅影2006-07-19 16:37:58
aus2006-07-19 16:41:16
大连MM2006-07-19 16:41:33
Really? Recently? How soon she got receipt? or
梅影2006-07-19 16:44:05
doshexh2006-07-19 16:49:10
回复:How long it will take to receive receipt/notice for H-1 Tr
67004312006-07-19 16:49:10
大连MM2006-07-19 17:05:28
So you think I should re-send a package after two weeks?
大连MM2006-07-19 17:06:23
Did you know how soon your check was cashed before the receipt?