TigerGC2006-07-19 20:51:24
Xiaobaitu & other Gurus,

I called CIS 1800# to request the name check status a couple of times yesterday. In the morning, rep. said my fingerprint check, overseas investigation check and name check are all cleared, and just wait for the green card; in the afternoon I called 1800# again to ensure the informatin I got is correct, but unfortunately the representative said my name check is still pending, ask me to call back if do not receive response in 30 days. Yesterday, my oneline status changed below:
On July 17, 2006, we responded to your request for more information
concerning your case. If you have not received our response within 30
days from this date, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.
How can I figure out who is correct? Did they use the different systems to check the name check status or one is updated and the other is outdated system?

xiaobaitu2006-07-19 21:04:11
回复:Xiaobaitu, please help me clarify the confusion
无名学生2006-07-19 21:28:06
回复:Xiaobaitu, please help me clarify the confusion
TigerGC2006-07-19 21:33:09
回复:回复:Xiaobaitu, please help me clarify the confusion
TigerGC2006-07-19 21:36:06
Thanks Xiaobaitu, mail address please
xiaobaitu2006-07-19 23:03:53
The mail address is on your I-485 receipt